Thursday, December 27, 2012

DIY Earrings...

Pershendetje miq!

Fillimisht dua tju uroj gezuar festat e fundvitit (edhe pse pak me vonese :P), nje vit te ri i mbare per te gjithe ju! 
Pak kohe me pare kisha postuar nje Preview te radhes por punet e fundvitit (qe duhet ti mbyllim patjeter) 
nuk me lane shume kohe qe 
te beja postimin
 e radhes.

Hello friends!
First of all, i want to wish you a happy season's greetings and have a better year!
Times ago, i had posted a preview for the next DIY, but as its the end of the years and i have a lot of work to do, i haven't found time to post on the blog.

 Mendoj se ky
Diy mund te jete nje ide e shkelqyer 
dhurate per te gjithe ata qe nuk i perballojne dot dhuratat e shtrenjta. Kuptohet qe nuk ka rendesi
 shtrenjtesia e saj por 
thjeshte mendimi qe po i dhuron 
dikujt dicka simbolike! Si gjithmone duke kerkuar
 andej kendej per ndonje ide dhuratash, me terhoqi vemendjen nje foto e nje vathi shume te lezecem!

I think is a great idea as a gift for all those people who cant afford expensive gifts. It doesn't matter how much it cost, but who did it! As usual surfing the net for Christmas gift ideas, i found these photo of a cute earring!
Pastaj kerkova dhe pak me shume dhe zbulova kete faqen ku gjeta edhe keto:

Than i found this site


Te gjitha keto bizhuteri jane te punuara me dore dhe materiali i perdorur eshte argjend. Normalisht qe argjendin se perballoj dot, por me telin per bizhu qe gjeta tek JUMBO (shyqyr zotit kam ku gjej cfare me duhet), i krijova dhe une ne shume pak kohe dhe pa mundim.

All these jewelery are handmade and silver is the material used. Well i cant afford buying silver too, but with what i found at Jumbo (thnx God i know where to buy craft thing), i crafted these earrings.

Ajo qe ju duhet eshte:

(e gjeni tek JUMBO; seksioni Craft jewelery)

Ky tel nuk eshte i forte, punohet shume lehte dhe nuk eshte e nevojshme te perdoren pinca apo vegla te tjera per ta punuar. Mund te beni nje shumellojshmeri bizhuterish me fjale dhe simbole te ndryshme. 

Using this metallic wire you can craft  earring and rings with different word or symbols.

Ja si dolen bizhuterite e mija:
Here are shown my crafted jewelery:

Provojeni dhe ju! 
For any question leave a comment below or e-mail me at



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