Saturday, December 8, 2012

Diy bow Jeans

DIY Bow Jeans!

Rastesisht ne Pinterest pash keto xhinset me fiogo tek xhepat!
 Shume cute dhe shume girly! 
Mendova se si DIY do tju 
pelqente edhe juve!
Ndiqni tutorialin me poshte.....

I saw this pic of these bow jeans in Pinterest! They are very cute and girly! So i thought you will like the next DIY! See the tutorial below...

(Pricinat i gjeni tek tregu i Medresese) 
What you need:
  • old jeans
  • scissors
  • studs
  • needle and thread
1. Prisni xhinset me gershere te shkrurtra aq sa i doni!
Cut the jeans as short as you want!
2. Pastaj palosni pjesen e fundit per ti dhene nje pamje me te kendshme
Then fold the cut parts to give the jeans a pleasant look. kjo poshte this

3. Neqoftese doni mund te perdorni pricina per ti dekoruar xhinset!
If you want you can use stud to decorate your jeans!

4. Perdorni pjeset e prera per te bere fiongot
Use the cut pieces to make the bows!

5. Mos harroni te qepni pjeset anesore ne menyre qe me vone mos tju dalin fije nga fiongot!
Dont forget to sew the lateral to avoid the rip up of the bow

6. Pasi te keni bere hapin e 5, krijoni me dore fingon qe doni!
After finishing the step 5, create the bow you want!

6. Perdorni nje cope te vogel ne forme shirit per fiongon!
Use a jeans stripe to make the bow!

7. Qepeni me pas fiongon ne xhepat e mbrapme te xhinseve
Sew the bow to the back part!

Xhinset e mia dolen keshtu.... Mendoj se do ti kaloj dhe njeher ne dore per ti krijuar pak me te vogla fiongot! Shpresoj tju pelqej tutoriali. Lini komentet dhe mos harroni JOIN THIS SITE!

Here is the photo of my jeans how they came out. I think i will readjust them  to make the bows smaller. Hope you like the tutorial. Leave a comment below and dont forget to JOIN THIS SITE!

For any question leave a comment below or e-mail me at


  1. ne fakt une e bera kete qe me sygjerove ti..por ne nje menyre tj.. preva pjesen e fundme te xhepave i rrudhosa dhe i kapa ne mes.. tamam si fjongo.. preva fijet e teperta. dhe dolen mrekulli

    1. bravo ideja duket edhe me thjeshte per tu bere... :) :)



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