Epo mir, ja ku jam...kam munguar cik e di por do ti shlyej mungesat :P! Filmin e pash dhe u kenaqa por dollapin akoma se rregullova :P...U mora me teper me projektin qe kisha ne mendje dhe doli fantastike...Me pelqen shume... me poshte po ju tregoj tutorialin sesi mund ta krijoni dhe ju nje...
So, here i am.... i was absent but i promise i will be more active now. I watched the movie and i liked it but i didnt reorganize my closet :P. I was concentrated in my project and it came out fantastic. I really like it....I am going to show you the tutorial so you can have it too....
Cfare ju duhet:
(Kutine e syzeve dhe xixat i gjeni ne JUMBO, ndersa gurei i gjeni tek tregu i Medresese)
You will need:
- sunglasses case
- glitter
- rhinestones
- glue
- tape
- tweezers
- brush

Merrni kutine e syzeve dhe me ndihmen e nje ngjitesi shirit mbuloni pjeset qe duhet te mbeten te bardha dhe lini te ekspozuara pjeset ku do te vendosen xixat...
You have to cover with tape the parts which you will put glitter....
Merrni xixat dhe i perzieni ne nje ene sebashku me ngjitesin..
Mix the glue with the glitter...
...dhe lyeni pjeset qe duhen lyer.
...and paint the part you left uncover.
Lereni te thahet dhe ky do te jete rezultati final...
Let it dry and this is the final result....
Me ndihmen e nje pincete, merrni guret dhe i ngjisni me nje ngjites te forte...(atak-u i famshem ben pune :P)
Take the rhinestones with the help of tweezers and use a hard glue to glue them...
...duhet te keni pak durim per vendosjen e gureve....O.o
Per ta bere me teper Alexander McQween, blini nje unaze cfaredo me kafke. Personalizojeni me gure...
To make it look more Alexander McQween, buy a skull ring. Personalize it with rhinestones....
Perdoni nje ngjites te forte (mastic psh) per tia bashkangjitur portofolit tuaj....
Than use a hard glue to stick it with the clutch....
Ky eshte rezulati final... Duhet pak pune dhe durim por nuk ju kushton shume....Mund ta realizoni vetem me pothuajse 1000 lek (te jem brenda :P. Shpresoj tju pelqej tutoriali....
This is the final rezult. Hope you like this DIY...
For any question leave a comment below or e-mail me at doityourselfideas@yahoo.com
Shume shume e bukur :)
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faleminderit Jonki :))
DeleteShume shume e bukur, do e provoj se s'ben! Me pelqen shume ideja. Te lumte e dashur.