Fundjaven qe kaloi kisha planifikuar te ripastroja dhe risistemoja te gjitha veshjet ne dollap por duke pare kete kohe te paqendrueshme e shtyva per javen tjeter. Po mendoja tani per te dhe mendova te shkarkoj filmin Devils wears Prada, i cili me inspiron te vishem gjithmone me stil, per ta patur si sfond gjate hedhjes se gjerave qe nuk do me nevojiten me....
Last weekend i decided to clean up and re-evaluate my closet but since the weather is changing from day to day, i postponed to do it this weekend. Also i thought to download the movie Devil wears Prada which inspire me to dress stylishly, and have it as background while i clean and throw away the items i dont need.
Duke kerkuar andej ketej ne internet me ndaluan gishtat ne kete "clutch" ( sdi si ta quaj shqip O.o)te Alexander McQueen.
Surfing the net to find the movie, my fingers stopped in this Alexander McQueen's clutch.

Eshte shume e bukur dhe deshires per ta patur nuk do ti rezistonte lehte ndonje por cmimit te saj mijera dollareshe besoj se po. :P. Keshtu qe mendova per nje DIY. Do ishte shume fantastike ta kisha... Per ta patur dhe ju, ju mafton deshira, vullneti dhe klikimi tek JOIN THIS SITE....
It is very beautiful and i cant stay away from the desire to have it but i can stay away from its thousand of dollars price. So i thought for the next DIY. It would be fantastic to have it... If you want it too, you will only need desire, will and clicking JOIN THIS SITE...
cant wait to see what are u planning!!!
Dont forget to like my Facebook page too!
ohh sa po me plq blogu yt, looku i ri i shkon se tepermi. :)
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