Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Next...ON Diy Ideas!

How to Create a Stella McCartney farabella bag???
Keep following....

Saturday, November 17, 2012

DIY...Cat Flats!

Epo te gjithe e dime qe keta te medhnjte e famshem te Holliwood-it i ndjekin ca si shume tendencat me te fundit te modes. Para ca kohesh ajo qe kishte pushtuar garberobat e tyre ishte Charlotte Olympia me pupat me dizenjon e maces. Te famshem si Sarah Jessica Parker apo Alexa Chung i kane pervetsuar te tyret, madje kjo e fundit e kombion edhe me nje fustan te kuq te Valentinos... 

We all know Hollywood's famous people follow the latest trends of fashion. What had caught their attention were Charlotte Olympia "kitty" slippers. VIP like Sarah Jessica Parker or Alexa Chung have got their pair, - Alexa adding hers to a red Valentino dress.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Giveaway winner!

I am announcing the giveaway winner today because i saw that there are only 10 people who entered it. So i decided to give one ring for four lucky girl. I used random.org to choose four winner.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

DIY Alexander McQween clutch

Epo mir, ja ku jam...kam munguar cik e di por do ti shlyej mungesat :P! Filmin e pash dhe u kenaqa por dollapin akoma se rregullova :P...U mora me teper me projektin qe kisha ne mendje dhe doli fantastike...Me pelqen shume... me poshte po ju tregoj tutorialin sesi mund ta krijoni dhe ju nje...

So, here i am.... i was absent but i promise i will be more active now. I watched the movie and i liked it but i didnt reorganize my closet :P. I was concentrated in my project and it came out fantastic. I really like it....I am going to show you the tutorial so you can have it too....

Monday, November 5, 2012

Devil wears...Alexander McQueen!

Fundjaven qe kaloi kisha planifikuar te ripastroja dhe risistemoja te gjitha veshjet ne dollap por duke pare kete kohe te paqendrueshme e shtyva per javen tjeter. Po mendoja tani per te dhe mendova te shkarkoj  filmin Devils wears Prada, i cili me inspiron te vishem gjithmone me stil, per ta patur si sfond gjate hedhjes se gjerave qe nuk do me nevojiten me....

Last weekend i decided to clean up and re-evaluate my closet but since the weather is changing from day to day, i postponed to do it this weekend. Also i thought to download the movie Devil wears Prada which inspire me to dress stylishly, and have it as background while i clean and throw away the items i dont need.

Friday, November 2, 2012


image via 3-snaps.com

Kohet e fundit kame vene re se jakat jane nje nder gjerat qe po dominojne garderobat e njerezve. Dhe kjo jo vetem se u japin nje sofistikim look-ut por edhe sepse e transformojne veshjen ne stile te ndryshme. 

  Lately, I have seen collars take over people’s closets. Not only do collars add a sophisticated approach to your look, but they also can transform your outfit into various styles. What i like more are detachable collars. 


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