Many times ago, what had attracted my attention were a pair of Yves Saint Laurent shoes called "cage heels".

Ciara Beyonce Dawn Richard
Tilda Swinton Ciara Becki Newton
Lori Hoxha (marr nga blogu i saj)

Kim Kardashian
First I saw Kim wearing them, than I saw Lori Hoxha's Louboutin shoes and than everywhere. I was attracted by the design and i thought for the next DIY! I will need time to think about the details, time to look for heels i dont need anymore (mom says i destroy my shoes doing DIYs :P) and after all I will post it here for you! I think everything will be ok, though i will need lottttttttttttt of time to make them prefect! Do not panic! It's worth to have a pair of these! :)))
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thnx clara! :D