Kete vit do ta quaja "viti i i rikthimit ne femijeri". Gjthandej neper veshjet e dizajneve te medhenj shikoje detaje te marra nga femijeria, detaje te cilat i kemi hasur gjithmone ne veshjet e vogeluesheve. Kjo duke nisur nga jakat, te cilat paten nje boom jo vetem vipat e Holliwood-it dhe pasarelat por edhe ne rruget e kryeqytetit tone, e duke vazhduar deri fiongot dhe papionet qe i gjeje kudo : ne kepuce, veshje apo aksesore.
This year was like " return of childhood". In catwalks and celebrities outfits we all are attracted by the details designers obtained from childhood, details of which we have always encountered in baby's wardrobe. This starting with collars, which had a boom not only among Hollywood's stars and designers outfits, but also in the streets of our capital, continuing with bows which you can find everywhere: on shoes, clothing even accessories.