Tuesday, October 30, 2012

NEXT on DIY Ideas!

Follow me for the tomorrow 
                                                    ...and dont forget the giveaway...


Te gjithe i njohim keto gure zbukurues. Une i quaj "magjistar" dhe kjo sepse ne pak kohe ta kthejne nje bluze apo veshje tjeter qe doje ta hidhje ne nje te re qe ti e kishe pare ne vitrinat e dyqaneve dhe se blije dot...:P

We all know these rhinestones. I call them "Wizards" and it's because in a short time they can turn a shirt or other clothing you want to plunge into a new that you had seen in the shop windows and you are unable to buy it ...: P.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Return to childhood

 Kete vit do ta quaja "viti i i rikthimit ne femijeri". Gjthandej neper veshjet e dizajneve te medhenj shikoje detaje te marra nga femijeria, detaje te cilat i kemi hasur gjithmone ne veshjet e vogeluesheve. Kjo duke nisur nga jakat, te cilat paten nje boom jo vetem vipat e Holliwood-it  dhe pasarelat por edhe ne rruget e kryeqytetit tone, e duke vazhduar deri fiongot dhe papionet qe i gjeje kudo : ne kepuce, veshje apo aksesore.

This year was like " return of childhood". In catwalks and celebrities outfits we all are attracted by the details designers obtained from childhood, details of which we have always encountered in baby's wardrobe. This starting with collars, which had a boom not only among Hollywood's stars and designers outfits, but also in the streets of our capital, continuing with bows which you can find everywhere: on shoes, clothing even accessories.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Diy corner

Hello everyone

As I was thinking for other Diys, my mind stopped in a thought. HEY I can also include Diys for decorating  homes! I have a passion for design since i was little and i thought i can create a mini section here in DIY IDEAS...Well ideas for decorating homes, Diy for wall arts, fabric and paper projects and everything else
 that can be reused or recycled making them fashionable at a low cost. Some people loves decorating everything only to find themselves in  peace with the environment. I am one of them. In these 4 last year i have changed 4 different apartments and houses and every year i had to use my imagination to turn those environments in pleasant places to stay. This is girls! Use your imagination for everything in everything, it will make you fill better! Soon this blog will be full of ideas and you can use them in the everyday life! BUT...there's a "BUT"...:P... come and follow me to get the latest DIYs!

...dont forget the giveaway

Friday, October 12, 2012

DIY rings... (Updated)

In today's post I will show you how to spend a little to have more accessoriesOne of these accessories are rings!Just find brooch that you do not needold earrings of your grandmothereven yours, or buy used things (I bought used earrings). This DIY will take you very little time.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Next on DIY Ideas...Rings!!

Girls adore accessories: bags, earnings, bracelets and especially rings! Usually when we go shopping, the first things we are attracted by are the rings! Maybe because girls love trivia, even because the mania of having even more accessories will not fade away either! 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

"Kepucet e kafazit" Cage heels

Many times ago, what had attracted my attention were a pair of Yves Saint Laurent shoes called "cage heels". 

    Ciara                            Beyonce                   Dawn Richard

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Personalize your flats!

How to DIY Ribbon Flats!


On our roads is difficult to walk on heels and we always  find comfort wearing flats.  Ballerina flats or flats shoes are our greatest companion that besides being comfortable, they are also very fashionableIt has happened to everyone one buying always the black or the white color to match it with everything.  Girls, you only need to use imagination, you can buy used flats and personalize themAt the moment I have many ideas, and I am going to share one of them with you!

Bow jeans

Months ago I saw a jeans with many bows, i really liked them because they are so unique. I think that they can be worn in this season as we dont know yet what season exactly is because the high and low temperatures. You can find these bow ripped denim leggings on eBay for 16$ (cheap :P). The point is reusing your old jeans ! It looks difficult, believe me is easy, what you will need most is patience and time!Hope you like it! :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Is comming!!

Hello Everyone 
Unfortunately,  I haven't had the opportunity to post the next DIY due to overload of work that I had and sudden disconnection to internet at home. So I thought  to post a second DIY together with the first DIY tomorrow. It's something small, beautiful, simple but above all very cheapFollow the blog for further updates .....


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